Unconscious Bias 102

October 17, 2017 0 Comments

The Wheel of Inclusion depicts a more progressive approach to the concept of diversity and inclusion, called 2D or two-dimensional diversity. This wheel does not include all dimensions but demonstrates the holistic view that Shopify is taking around this topic.

  • The inner wheel is "inherent dimensions" that we have no control over, many of which we are simply born with.
  • The outer wheel is "acquired dimensions" that we have a bit more control over and that change over the course of our lifetime.

Neither set of dimensions is more important than the other. We need to learn how to effectively leverage all dimensions and highlight the ones where we are lacking. This is important because in order to be a company that sees the next 100 years we need to anticipate the needs of our global merchants.

We have an opportunity to leverage the unique perspectives that exist at Shopify and to recognize when some perspectives are missing. This will position us to truly understand our global audience. It's about being intentional. Knowing where our merchants come from and having people in your organization who understand their perspectives and anticipate their needs.


[[_TOC_]] # Unconscious Bias Unconscious bias is an evolutionary adaptation that served us well in our earlier days as humans. Given the immense amount of information that we have to process as humans, our brain has created shortcuts and heuristics to deal with this wealth of information. But when it comes to creating a diversity of thought, bias can be a real barrier to getting there.

# The Importance of Awareness The goal of highlighting unconscious bias is not to make you feel bad or guilty about having these automatic thoughts. Rather, the goal is to have you be aware of unconscious biases and start to think about how these biases affect you in your daily life. In particular, in the workplace, **we need to think about how biases are affecting, and potentially limiting our decision-making.** Check out this video on making the unconscious, conscious.

# We are all Biased People are complicated, and we’re often not aware of how our biases are already living inside of us, reinforced by culture, and expressed in our behavior. To understand more about your own biases, check out the [IAT](https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/canada/selectatest.jsp)

(Implicit Association Tests) including separate tests on [gender](https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/canada/selectatest.jsp), [race](https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/user/agg/blindspot/indexrk.htm),

[religion](https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/Study;jsessionid=8E1AF6FE0EBB10CAAF8946ABF50DC300.dev2?tid=0), and


The IAT was created more than 10 years ago and has now been used by millions of people in over 20 countries. It is the most effective tool available for testing one’s own unconscious bias. The following clips highlight the fact that we all have biases, and that awareness of this is the first step to the discussion.

**How to overcome our biases**

**Santa with Attitude?!**

**Kitchen staff**

# Unconscious Bias in Action Unconscious bias has a very real impact on innovation and creativity in the workplace. This clip demonstrates how bias plays out in decision-making.

# Thinking about Bias This example highlights how biases influence our perception of normalcy in a work environment.

Understanding Unconscious Bias